The BeZen Blog

Mitos sobre la siesta - BeZen Mattress & Health

Nap myths

Although for many the nap has become a childhood memory, for others it is still something very common in their daily lives. A little nap after eating is a great...

Nap myths

Although for many the nap has become a childhood memory, for others it is still something very common in their daily lives. A little nap after eating is a great...

¿Por qué no puedo dormir en camas ajenas? - BeZen Mattress & Health

Why can't I sleep in other people's beds?

It is very common for it to be difficult to fall asleep when you are not at home. The problem comes with summer: vacations, friends' houses, hotels... it is very...

Why can't I sleep in other people's beds?

It is very common for it to be difficult to fall asleep when you are not at home. The problem comes with summer: vacations, friends' houses, hotels... it is very...

¿Cómo duermo durante una ola de calor? - BeZen Mattress & Health

How do I sleep during a heat wave?

How do I sleep during a heat wave? One answer to this question is concise and to the point: I sleep poorly.  Experts point out that the best temperatures for...

How do I sleep during a heat wave?

How do I sleep during a heat wave? One answer to this question is concise and to the point: I sleep poorly.  Experts point out that the best temperatures for...

ASMR: ¿funciona para dormir? - BeZen Mattress & Health

ASMR: does it work for sleep?

On nights when it seems that the universe has agreed not to let you sleep, the only solution at hand is to search the Internet in search of some useful...

ASMR: does it work for sleep?

On nights when it seems that the universe has agreed not to let you sleep, the only solution at hand is to search the Internet in search of some useful...

¿Sirve hacer ejercicio para dormir mejor? - BeZen Mattress & Health

Does exercising help you sleep better?

The perfect balance between body and mind is the key to achieving the best possible rest. Therefore, it is always recommended to have an adequate diet, clear your mind with...

Does exercising help you sleep better?

The perfect balance between body and mind is the key to achieving the best possible rest. Therefore, it is always recommended to have an adequate diet, clear your mind with...

Feng shui: ¿dónde coloco mi cama? - BeZen Mattress & Health

Feng shui: where do I place my bed?

feng shui usually appears in decorative trend magazines (sometimes even mentioned as just another religion among many). The truth is that it is a philosophy of life, which seeks balance...

Feng shui: where do I place my bed?

feng shui usually appears in decorative trend magazines (sometimes even mentioned as just another religion among many). The truth is that it is a philosophy of life, which seeks balance...